#6 June Edition - Focusing only on 'what' to eat may affect your health goals and relationship with food.

The Power of Intuitive Eating

Kosta: “I am thrilled to share this month’s Athletic Intelligence Newsletter with you all. My good friend, Billy Martin, has graciously stepped in to write this edition as I’ve been busy traveling with the Vancouver Bandits Basketball team. Billy is an experienced strength coach and nutritionist who specializes in helping individuals over 30 get active and healthy again. I hope you find his insights valuable. Be sure to visit his website for more information”

Only focusing on ‘what’ to eat may be impacting your health goals and relationship with food.

Is this ‘good’ or ‘bad’ food? Does (insert singular food here) make you (insert unwanted health outcome here)? These are often questions, worries and narratives that can leave you feeling a little too hung up on small details regarding your food, and missing some of the big picture. 

Of course, food choices are important, but you already knew that, right? Have you ever been informed on ‘How’ to eat? Sounds silly, but it can be a highly impactful skill to learn if you’re having difficultly with sustained energy, fluctuations in weight, and overall activity performance. Allow me to introduce you to Intuitive Eating.

The Power of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a powerful approach that can enhance your overall well-being, energy levels, and performance. By tuning into your body's natural hunger and fullness cues, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and achieve your fitness goals more sustainably.

OK, interesting, how will it benefit me?

  • Improved body awareness and feeling of satisfaction with food.

  • Greater dietary self-regulation (less likely to over or under eat).

  • Reduced risk of disordered eating patterns and emotional eating.

  • Increased confidence and positive body image.

  • More balanced energy intake and expenditure.

Negative outcomes of poor awareness

Disregarding your body's natural hunger and fullness signals can lead to various negative outcomes:

  • Overeating or undereating, disrupting energy balance.

  • Reliance on external cues like food availability or emotions.

  • Potential weight fluctuations and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Decreased performance and recovery during physical activity.

How do I do it?

Incorporating intuitive eating into your daily routine can be simple and rewarding:

  • Practice mindful eating by slowing down and savoring your meals (put your fork down in between bites, or sip water in between bites).

  • Listen to your body's hunger and fullness signals before and during meals (stop when feeling satisfied, or full) Can only be done if you slow down, first.

  • Experiment with different foods to find satisfying and nourishing options.

  • Stay hydrated and manage stress levels, which can influence appetite.

  • For muscle gain, incorporate protein-rich foods and consider supplementation.

What can I look forward to?

By embracing intuitive eating, you can cultivate a positive relationship with food, enhance your overall well-being, and achieve your fitness goals in a sustainable manner. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or improved performance, tuning into your body's natural cues can guide you towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Want more helpful resources and tips on nutrition and lifestyle? Click the image below for more info on Billy and his work.

Thanks again to Billy and until next month, hope everyone has a physically active month 🎉🌈

Kosta Ikonomou